The blog is a simple collection of the thought process of legends who have brought some change in different fields. If you refer to any book that talk about motivation, success or self improvement, talk about mind and thought process of a particular individual.

The pattern of thought's that emerge in one's mind really have great impact over one's life. Reading the great mind's provide motivation and guidance. The motivational words really provide a great support if we give a second over them and try to view the problems and the world with the perspective of those who are the conqueror in their fields.

Check on the list available on wikipedia providing the different categories of the thought process.

Your mind has it all. The problems, the solutions, the perception, the analysis. We as a human being have to nourish our body eternally as well as our mind.

The idea of this blog is to create a collection of such thoughts from various sources online or offline. The life is full of up's and down's. Who knows reading such thought may give the fighting spirit.

How ever you can also submit the thought that you have read somewhere or have created yourself. Please mention the link or reference of the place where you have read the idea. All the submissions will be the part of this blog with the name of the person and reference.

A Single Spark May Sometime Change Your World.Checkout the thought process of some of the great minds.

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